So as I write this I have 7 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes and 45 seconds to go until I leave New Zealand, well by the time I post this it will be more like 16 hours but yeah you get the idea.

I have this one line a day journal thing and when I wrote in it the other day I found that it was a year ago that day that AFS had come to speak to my school. My friend
Lilly and I started getting really excited and spoke about it all lunch and morning tea that day. At that point it was more just us getting caught up in the excitement, not actually realising we may be able to go on an exchange. I mean so many people had come out of that assembly excited and reading through the brochures so it didn't seem like it would be us two out of all those people who would actually end up signing up - but hey look where we are now :O

My Italian is still coming along slooooooowly but today I finished Rosetta Stone!! YIPEEEE!!! The other day all of the kiwis going to Italy got an email saying none of us had finished and we would have to pay
€50 unless we do before we arrive in Rome! That's about $100 NZ so I really wanted to finish and since I haven't been going to school much lately I had more time to do that, it wasn't too much once I actually sat down and did it. Also on the language side of things my brother walked past my room the other night and heard me sleep talking IN ITALIAN! When he told me the next day (via text because he also seemed to share my amazedness haha) I was so excited because even though it probably means nothing I like to take it to mean I'm learning more. I know that when I get to Italy I'm going to find it super hard to communicate no matter how much I practice but my writing and reading are improving which should help with the school or if anyone fancies a game of Italian boggle - which I'm sure happens a lot aye ;)
I still haven't properly started packing because I don't feel like it's close enough to be thinking about it even though it really is. I've thrown a few bits in my suitcase that are actually for the exchange, like presents and stuff but my suitcase still looks very sad and empty at the moment :( I think this is down to how I just still don't realise I'm actually going, well I do but I don't. Normally if I'm going overseas or anything really exciting is happening I get a really excited feeling and it's all I can think about but I'm just not getting that leading up to this which is so weird because it's the most exciting thing to ever happen in my whole life. It's not that I have the opposite feelings though; I'm not really feeling nervous or scared, or stressed - I'm just not feeling. My brain knows that I'm leaving but it hasn't actually hit ME yet, my brain still needs to tell me so yeah hopefully that happens soon. I don't think that even makes sense but that's how I feel like I still don't realise it's actually happening.
I'll do a post just before I leave on expectations because even though AFS goes on about how we shouldn't have them, I don't think anyone can say they don't have some. That's it for now, Ciao! :)