In one month today I'll be leaving on the adventure of a lifetime. One. Month. One month. ONE MONTH!
Time has gone so fast it still doesn't seem real to be honest.
I started back at school after two weeks of school holidays last week and it's been really strange. Everyone is doing work towards their external exams but since I won't be here I'm doing well... nothing. In some classes I have to do the work but knowing that it's not counting towards anything is making my enthusiasm negative a milliontrillion. I have been able to do some Italian during classes though so that's helpful.

Before beginning this term I was imagining a relaxing 5 weeks before leaving where I would sleep, eat and daydream about my new Italian life. There's so many things to prepare which I hadn't thought about; visa forms, money, insurance, packing, student allowance, italian argh. I'm have a British passport so I don't actually need a visa which is great but I still need to take all of the forms with me. Then there's the money which after heaps of research I think I'm going to go with the
Loaded for Travel card. In New Zealand we can also apply for a student allowance while on exchange so the government gives you money weekly to cover living expenses, this is only for the last two months for me because you have to be 18 to get it. Anyway I don't want to bore the few people who are reading this so if you want any info on any of that kind of stuff feel free to comment and I'll be happy to help. Once all of this stuff is sorted and out of the way the more exciting stuff will come like packing and then actually leaving! :D
Yesterday I went shopping to get stuff I needed for the trip like a new suitcase, shoes and other travel necessities that I didn't have. Doing things like that really makes it seem close and it is but it's also so far away. I just can't imagine myself being in Italy. Emily lives in New Zealand, not Italy. Emily will live in Italy, not New Zealand. omg.
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