Monday, 30 September 2013

Photos of Last week

Here are some general photos of last week :)
First Italian hot chocolate in Cesena - molto, molto, molto buono
After school hot chocolates
Marta and I out for dinner with the family
I made Pavlova for my host family
Day trip to Ferrara
I eat these for breakfast everyday and lets just say breakfast is my favourite meal of the day
First rainy day in Italy!
It's raining so exciting 
Jannie was excited for the rain too!
Rain in Cesena
Fran, Ida and I going to Italian lessons
Smurf shaped piadina! 
Jan's a bit of a rebel ;)
Afternoon tea/Italian lesson
These mini trucks are called Ape and you see so much in this photo but they fit one person in the front. They're tiny and so cute I love them so much!
Cesena Fountain
Jan, Fran and Ida having pizza before Italian lessons
Washing seashells for dinner - doesn't get much fresher than that!
First iced coffee, Italian style
Iced coffee con Ida
After school yoghurt
yoghurt with strawberries and chocolate mmm
I like these seats at the yoghurt shop haha
We went to an American restaurant with some of my classmates from school. Everyone at my school is obsessed with this new American restaurant, it's crazy!
Duff beer :O
Each ice cream has a different cartoon on it
I made dinner for my host family - Mexican style


  1. KEEP POSTING PHOTOS OMG THEY'RE SO COOL (Supposed to be doing Uni work but wishing I was in Italy instead!!! Looks so so so cool!!!)

  2. LOVE the photos, ditto Becky, more more more!! xxooxx
