Before going to Italy I had a blog with my good friend Lilly, who I've gone to school with since primary. On this blog we wrote about many different aspects of the preparation process such as; fundraising, packing, leaving school, the AFS selection process and pre-departure camp. If you want to know more about this part of the exchange then please check out our colab blog HERE. Reading blogs before leaving for my exchange year was such an important part of the preparation process for me. I found so much helpful information and tips - plus the best part was it got me so excited for what was to come!
Lilly also went to Italy for her AFS year, more specifically Bari in the south of the country. Throughout the year she kept a blog (and was a lot better at regularly updating than me! Oops!) and wrote about so many different topics from everyday exchange life, to advice for future students. Her photography skills are also sure to leave you in awe! I would definitely recommend checking out her blog which you can do HERE.